Initial assessment
After you’ve requested a consultation by emailing, our service partners at mlcoa (mlcoa is part of the MedHealth Group of companies and the largest provider of Independent Medical Opinions in Australia) will connect you with a psychologist for an initial assessment. With your consent, our service partners will also gather any relevant medical records for review.
Review of initial assessment
A psychologist will phone you and conduct an over-the-phone assessment of your situation. They will then tailor an appropriate treatment plan. If relevant, the psychologist will involve a qualified psychiatrist to also consider your situation, define your diagnosis and recommend treatment.
Guidance for treatment
After the review, you’ll receive a written report detailing your diagnosis and recommendations for treatment. Your psychologist will arrange a telehealth appointment to walk you through the report and answer any questions you may have about your condition and the suggested treatment options. With your consent, your psychologist will also consult with your GP to help put a treatment plan into action.
Support for you and your GP
If appropriate, and with your consent, the psychologist can offer continued support for a period to help you access a Mental Health Treatment Plan, locate suitable treatment providers, identify relevant support services and to check in on your progress.