Paul's story

Paul* needed to stop work because he was suffering from significant depression, anxiety, alcoholism and previous suicide attempts. Due to his condition, he required multiple hospitalisations and had to move in with his daughter so she could support him as a carer.  

Because Paul lives in a regional area, it was harder for him to access the professional support he needed.

However, Paul was able to receive support through the Mental Wellbeing Coaching service, Mindset4life, that offered health coaching and psychoeducation to help him manage his day-to-day health and wellbeing. Paul learnt mental health management techniques and had help scheduling activity, exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

“A huge guiding influence towards my personal health recovery and happiness.”

Paul, Mental Wellbeing Coaching participant

The next goal for Paul was returning to work in a full-time capacity. His symptoms reduced in frequency and intensity, thanks to the strategies and ongoing clinical treatment. He was also able to access additional job-seeking support. His job seeking consultant helped him create a new resume and cover letter that supported him to find a suitable role.

Paul says he is now doing very well and describes his new job as “the best I have ever had”.  He said that the support he received has been “a huge guiding influence towards my personal health recovery and happiness” and that everyone he worked with was “incredibly understanding and wonderful”.  

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

The feedback and testimonials provided by customers concern services that are now within the Vivo brand of services.

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If you have an MLC life insurance policy or your employer/super fund has a partnership with Vivo then you can get complimentary access to Vivo*. Simply get in touch with our team, by completing the form below and we will reach out to discuss how we can help you.

*Depending on the partnership agreement there may be limits to which services you have access to through Vivo.

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